
埃伯哈特商学院 cultivates the leadership skills and the innovative spirit of its students. 作为一所面向全球的小型商学院, the Eberhardt School offers highly interactive classes and specialized professional development opportunities in our state-of-the-art facility. The 工商管理理学学士学位 focuses on the study of the modern business world, 培养学生在职业生涯中的领导能力. 


Pacific students in Business Administration benefit from close working relationships with dedicated and passionate professors. Our distinguished faculty members are firmly engaged in the industry and provide students with exceptional opportunities for experiential learning.

就像我们所有的节目一样, 学生获得实践, 通过课堂咨询实践经验, 实习, 以及职业发展项目,让学生与高级企业高管合作.






The 管理及人力资源 major in the 埃伯哈特商学院 prepares students to manage people and processes in the workplace.

工作和职业正在迅速变化. One of the most exciting and dynamic aspects of how organizations achieve goals is in the area of managing people, 资源, 和过程,以最大限度地提高性能. 远程办公的快速发展, 领导力发展, 产品和项目管理, 社交媒体, and Big Data have led to exciting opportunities for students interested in the field of 管理及人力资源.

*根据美国最近的一份报告.S. 劳工统计局

Experiential learning provides immersive experiences that develop students’ professional skills and networks to serve as a bridge to their careers. 太平洋管理与人力资源专业的学生通过实习获得体验式学习, 案例竞赛, 以及与商业组织的沉浸式课堂作业. 例如, some classes offer “live” case studies in which guest speakers from industry pose a real problem they are facing and solicit student recommendations in class. Another course in the major provides students with real-world opportunities to develop their coaching skills. A recent human 资源 management class helped a small business in Stockton create an electronic employee handbook for their organization.

管理和人力资源专业的学生也有机会成为活动志愿者, 参观公司并与校友建立联系.


“In my four years at Pacific I received my BS in Business Administration with a double concentration in Business Law and 管理及人力资源, 同时还是一名全职学生运动员. 现在在洛杉矶发展最快的初创公司工作, 我能够运用这些技能, 知识, and confidence I gained throughout my time at Pacific as well as maintain relationships with the professors who got me here.”


The 管理与人力资源学生协会 (MHRSA) is an organization for Pacific students interested in the field of 管理及人力资源 (HR). MHRSA helps students become actively involved in the field of management via student events and professional networking.

近年来,MHRSA访问了谷歌、Facebook、特斯拉、优步和领英. MHRSA赞助了关于就业技能等主题的讲习班, 在HR工作, 还有礼仪晚宴. 最后, students majoring in 管理及人力资源 have participated in 案例竞赛 against students from 15 other universities on the west coast. 近年来,我们的学生曾两次获得亚军.



主修市场营销管理, 你将学习如何进行有效的市场调查和分析数据, 管理促销活动,制定品牌策略, 运用消费者行为理论,更好地与消费者建立联系, 创造新产品,从想法形成到执行, 制定有效的数字传播策略. You will work on solving hands-on business problems while enhancing your teamwork and leadership skill through experiential projects. 

亚历克斯Gerberick, 17岁

“I never had a specific company I wanted to work for but knew I wanted to market a product I believe in.  
为了在毕业前积累经验,我申请了无数份实习工作. 在ESB职业管理中心的指导下, 我把搜索范围缩小到我家乡的精品酒庄, 找到一份实习工作,并在毕业后成为全职工作. 我在博彩平台网址大全的学习, 与教员的关系, 第一份工作, 再加上很多艰苦的工作, led me to my dream job as Senior Marketing Coordinator for the Duckhorn Portfolio – the number one luxury wine company in America.”


在…的帮助下 Eberhardt职业管理中心, 营销管理 students will compete for credit-bearing 实习 opportunities with companies across industry sectors located in the Central Valley, 旧金山湾区, 和硅谷. 我们的学生已经在星巴克等全球公司从事营销工作, 加洛, 和高乐氏(Clorox. 许多人也开始了自己的事业.


  • ADP 
  • Airgas
  • 好事达
  • Appnext
  • 阿拉贡的研究
  • 银行家们的生活
  • 巴洛卡斯公共关系
  • Duckhorn葡萄园
  • 闪点公关
  • 福莱希尔
  • 加洛销售公司
  • 谷歌
  • 加州霍尔特
  • 英特尔
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • 刘易斯全球通信公司
  • Numerify
  • 奥克兰突击者
  • 太平洋建设
  • 百事可乐/ Frito-LayPowerschool组
  • 圣地亚哥军团 
  • 圣华金RTD
  • SAP实验室-硅谷创新中心
  • 南部的葡萄酒 & 精神
  • 第十街帽子
  • 旅行者
  • 伍德乐夫索耶
  • Workbridge同事
  • Zuora


主修金融, 你将学习有关财务规划的主题, 投资银行, 国际金融, 以及财务管理, 以及处于金融前沿的行为金融学和社会责任投资. You will get hands-on experience using the industry tools like WRDS (Wharton 研究 Data Services) and Bloomberg to analyze a company’s financial strategy as well as a stock’s fundamental value. 您还将有机会参加GAME(全球资产管理教育)论坛, 您将在哪里与行业领导者互动并学习投资管理的最佳实践. 无论你对哪个金融领域感兴趣, 我们为您提供基于坚实的理论和分析培训的综合工具包.

Demand for professionals with a finance degree is on the rise, with the highest estimate to be about 15% 相比之下 4% GDP增长率.

Mandeep Chhabra
Mandeep Chhabra ' 20

“在UOP的四年里,我获得了应用经济学学士学位和金融学士学位. 在此期间,我有幸担任我们学生投资基金的执行官. Managing a near $4 million dollar investment fund provided me with both the technical skills and confidence needed to start my career as a Financial Analyst at a Fortune 500 company (Clorox).”


太平洋金融学院的学生通过管理超过3美元获得体验式学习.七百万学生投资基金, 除了必要的实习和海外金融学习项目. 在Eberhardt SIF中, 学生做研究和评估, 写报告, 并就基金资金的投资方向和方式做出选择. This is not a virtual investment or portfolio; this is real money and real investments. 学生也有机会自愿参加活动, 访问公司, 并在他们学习金融专业期间与校友建立联系.


体育运动管理 & 分析

The sport management and analytics major in the 埃伯哈特商学院 prepares students to succeed in this dynamic business environment. The curriculum evolves in response to three tenets—the standards set by the Council on 体育运动管理 Accreditation, 该领域从业者使用的策略, 以及博彩平台网址大全教师的新兴研究.

每个星期, 数以百万计的球迷参加了专业比赛, 全国各地的大学和业余体育赛事. 超级碗、奥运会和世界杯一直是电视上收视率最高的赛事. 到2020年,北美体育收入预计将超过750亿美元.

体育也是一个处于变革和创新前沿的行业. 寻求竞争优势的团队正在率先使用数据分析. 联盟正在利用整合营销技术来吸引和留住球迷. 制造商不断开发新设备,以提高运动性能和安全性.


“选择太平洋航空是有史以来最好的决定. My professors are very 知识able about the latest trends in the sports industry and challenge every student to apply what we have learned in class to a professional setting. 在加州, 本科体育管理专业并不多, 所以我们很幸运."


As the only AACSB-accredited Business School at an NCAA Division I in California with a 体育运动管理 Major, 博彩平台网址大全提供现代课程和多种体验式学习机会.


业务分析 is an exciting interdisciplinary field that addresses how information technology can be used to help organizations in our increasingly data-rich world. The business analytics curriculum at the 埃伯哈特商学院 (ESB) focuses on both tools and methodologies. 它将理论和应用与现实世界的项目和行业数据相结合.

主修商业分析, 您将学习有关数据管理的主题, 数据分析理论与方法, 高级分析工具. 你将在商业分析实验室解决实际的商业问题. You will also be encouraged to select a focus area (accounting, finance, marketing, management, etc.)进行深入或特定行业的分析.

Arooj Rizvi ' 21

“I chose to focus my studies in the field of 业务分析 so that I can use data to analyze trends and formulate solutions to help improve the Stockton community. I am learning how to use Excel and other tools to translate numbers into information everyone can use and understand. 为了准备我的事业,我加入了商业兄弟会、Delta Sigma Pi和扶轮青年服务团. 在这两家公司,我都在调整自己的技能,这样我就能带领团队做出改变. 这个社区给了我这么多,现在轮到我回报了.”

Arooj Rizvi


